Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Reading Celebration!

This morning about 80 pajama-clad 2nd Graders made their way to the gym.  They carried their favorite book and a blanket from home.  They had just finished their first unit of Readers Workshop and it was time to celebrate! 

I got each class to pose for me on their way in!

Ms. Rempfer's Class
Ms. Russo's Class being silly.

Ms. Ford's Class

Ms. Willson's Class

Members of the Second Grade team worked over the summer to learn about Reader's Workshop (something I loved using as a teacher)!  In September they armed themselves with take-home book bags, Post-It notes, anchor charts, and a leveled library.  After finishing Unit 1 (students learned to: make connections, make predictions, decode tricky words, use context clues, and also use simple reference materials), they had nothing but great things to say for this new way of looking at Reading instruction. They feel that with Reader's Workshop students are "thinking about what they are reading", "reading independently", and "sharing what they are reading".

Back To The Celebration!!

Blankets were spread out as the children settled in to hear a story read by special readers:

Mrs. Ricci and Mr. Thomas!

After hearing two amazing stories, the students got to read in partners or in groups.  I stopped by the groups to find out what the students like about Readers Workshop.  They, of course, had lots to say.  Here are some answers to the question, "What do you like most about Reader's Workshop?":

"I like when I read with Ms. Rempfer and I move up levels."-Annika D
"I like when I get to share a story I read with a friend."-Michael E.
"I like when we write about the stories we read."-Michael B.
"I like that I get to choose my own book to read!"--This is the answer I got many many times!

When the students returned to class, a snack was waiting for them!