Monday, April 28, 2014

Prez-enting Polygons

This week, Mrs. Tapp's class discovered Prezi!  Mrs. Mackall and I introduced Prezi as a way for students to present information that they have learned in class. 

After a very brief introduction on the different features of the site, the kids were off on their own.

Their challenge, was to create a Prezi that could explain what a polygon is to a younger student.

Here's one student's polygon Prezi:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Anchors Away

You can't walk into a store or flip through a catalog without seeing something with an anchor on it! 
Don'e get me wrong, I love the trend.  I love all things nautical. (Just a birthday is coming up).

We are even seeing the anchor trend in education too.  More specifically, the ANCHOR CHART.
I'm a big fan!

I was talking to Ms. DuBois about Anchor Charts and one thing she found was that charts that she created with her students were used by her students more times that ones she made on her own.  When students take part in creating an anchor chart, they are taking ownership of their learning. 
Here are some examples of Anchor Charts I have seen here at Silver Run:
Mrs. Martinez's Room

Ms. DuBois' Room

Mrs. Vai's Room
Perhaps my favorite Anchor Charts are charts created by students themselves.  Mrs. Martinez had one of her students, Sean R., create an Anchor Chart for Mr. Zeller's Room.  Sean is a student who is a terrific artist who struggles in Math class.  What a great way to validate a student, by giving them the opportunity to help other students!

Below are Sean R.'s Anchor Charts